A new bot to moderate your server easly , and some General commands its has some commands to get informations about server,bot.user and many or more ......

My Serverinvite

Ace Bot Here we give you descriptions of ACE BOT commands.General Commands A!userinfo - Get your/someones information on Discord A!server - Get the server information A!botinfo - Ace bot info A!weather - To know world's weather | usage : A!weather [state/region] A!avatar - To get you/someones avatar A!serveravatar - To get server's avatar A!invite - To invite Ace bot to your server A!listEmoji - Shows server's emojis listModeration Commands A!mute - Mute someone from the chat A!unmute - Unmute someone from the chat A!ban - Ban someone in the server A!unban - Unban someone in the server A!kick - To kick someone in the server A!clear - Clear chat messages in the server A!lock - To lock the channel from @everyone's role A!unlock - To unlock the channel from @everyone's role A!hide - Hide the channel from everyone A!show - Show the hidden channel A!vkick - To kick someone in the voice room A!vmute - To mute someones mic in the voice room A!vunmute - Unmute the person who was muted from the voice A!deafen - To deaf someone in the voice A!undeafen - Remove the deafen from someone who was deafen A!slowmode - Set the channel slowmode to any time you wantFor more information please join our support server and thanks to add our bot into your server